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Sheryl King

Lead Consultant


My Story

My Scentsy journey began when two of my Arizona sisters sent me a beautiful angel warmer for Christmas in 2011. I was going through a very unfriendly divorce at the time, so this warmer really touched my heart. I had never heard of Scentsy before that warmer, but I promptly fell in love with it! A few months later, after finally selling my dream home and moving into my new town home, my son dropped the warmer. It was our last load, we were tired, and I knew it was an accident, but I loved that warmer and it meant so much to me. I later called my sister, told her what happened, and said I had to replace that warmer as soon as I could afford it. Little did I know she took that as her cue to talk to me about having a party. She sent me what I needed to have a catalog/on-the-go party, and said to just share with everyone I could and see if I couldn't earn it for free. Well, $400 plus later, at my Open House, she turned the tables on me by giving me that party as my first party. I joined her team, and have never looked back. That was in October of 2012. I love this company--the products; the core values of simplicity, authenticity, and generosity; and the owners and home office staff. We truly are a family from the owners down to us, the consultants. As consultants, nothing gets to us to share with you, our friends and customers, unless the owners and staff have tested and tested and tested it--personally! With all of that support, I can confidently share products with you and take care of your Scentsy needs. On top of all of that, I truly do love the products! So if you are looking for someone to help you with your Scentsy needs, or maybe a way to make a little extra money for bills, vacations, or to build up your savings, I am happy to help you. I look forward to meeting you and helping you,whether as a customer, a host, or a team member.  

What's warming in my home